Wednesday, February 4, 2009

cheer up

i'm really homesick tonight...thought if i posted some new pics of thalia, it may cheer me up. i think she is teething again because she has been so fussy and hasn't been sleeping well. wish me luck on that one. on the bright side, she hasn't eaten in the middle of the night in a week and a half. she usually wakes up with me at 630, has a bottle, and goes back to sleep for an hour. this is perfect because i am up anyway, and i can take a shower and get almost all ready for work before she wakes up.

this is thalia snuggling with her daddy watching the super bowl. yeah, its not some raucous party...but it's hard to beat :o)

typical up to her namesake. she is so goofy.
since i think thalia is teething i gave her a "biter biscuit" to chew on. of course, instead of chewing on it, she just sucks on it and makes a HUGE mess. if you blow the pic up, i think you can see cookie on her eyelashes!!
well, my plan worked a little bit. i hope these pics brighten your day too. we really miss you all. i am really grateful that chris was able to come down in january...but 6 weeks away from everyone is really starting to wear on my bones.
much, much, MUCH love and little sleep,
c, c, and t

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