Saturday, January 23, 2010

the mitten monster and other stories

this post is so late in coming! i think the date is going to say 1/23 even though today is 2/5! i know i seem to say this all the time but we have been SO busy. About two more weeks though and then we should be able to calm down...i'll explain that more later.

in the meantime, here are some silly pictures from recently. i have realized my problem is that i have taken too many pictures and want them all on here. (i'm sure most of you feel this same way!) unfortunately, it appears too much for me to be able to even get a minute to write a post. i suppose i could just start attaching photos ;o) maybe you are all bored by my ramblings anyway!
thalia found my gloves and was running around saying "rar!!" to us. we named her mitten she calls herself that whenever she finds these gloves or the pot holder ones.
she is chewing on a blue finger tootbrush. i just think its crazy how long her hair has gotten.
yiayia, papou and EVERYone (stephie, nikki, toby, jenny, jillian) came to visit us a few weeks ago. lately, thalia LOVES putting her hands in her pockets. in fact, aunt nikki bought her a cute pair of pants that have stitching like pockets, but no actual pockets. thalia was getting really upset that she couldn't get her hands in there. this is probably one of my new favorites.
thalia helped papou paint the bathroom
thalia's christmas program
thalia's cousin sophia came to visit
eating pizza and peas on big girl chairs
ok, so i pinky promise more regular posts! much love and a lot more sleep!
c, c, and t

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