Monday, September 22, 2008

lots of pics

is that not the cutest picture of thalia? i have some more for you too.

first, some people were asking what my apartment looks like... so here you go:
not the ritz, not the motel 6 either :o)
so on to more thalia...
this is what happens when you forget that your baby can crawl and you walk away for a second:

this is my daughter living up to her namesake of being an inspiration of comedy:

this is chris' daughter acting like a rhinoceros:

the poor girl doesn't understand physics yet (who does?) so when she crawls and something gets in her way (like a couch) she tries to push through it. she doesn't rock back and forth or anything. she just tries to bulldoze through it. it is the funniest thing.

and for the grand are some of thalia's six month pictures

WE GET TO GO HOME TOMORROW!!! wish us luck flying home!
much love and hopefully more sleep,
c and t

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clayr!!! She is so cute! I live in Durham now so I will have to come and visit you!!! Give me a call or shot me an email or 616.443.6859