just a quick post about how ridiculous my daughter is...shocking, i know :o) i have NO idea where she gets it from!
being european - somehow, over the past week or so, thalia has started kissing us on the cheek. no big deal, really. except she kisses each cheek about 3-4 times. first the left one, then the right one, then back to the left one...it is so funny. and if you don't cooperate by turning your face, she grabs your chin and turns it for you. by the end of the kisses chris and i are all slobbery, and thalia is laughing hysterically.
on thursday -one day, a number of weeks ago, i overheard thalia saying the names of the week. i had no idea that she knew them. well, it turns out her favorite day is thursday..."daddy, you got me wet." "when?" "on thursday!" (that happened tonight after dinner). "thalia, are you ever going to pee-pee in the potty?" "yep" "when?" "on thursday" you can't make this stuff up!
my favorite - thalia's new favorite (no pun intended) phrase is "it's my favorite." her pink water shoes: "these are my favorite." her sonic slush: "strawberry is my favorite." blue m&ms: "it's my favorite." (this is actually a lie, because i am pretty sure orange ones are her favorite (o:) she says it in such a petite voice. cracks me up every time.
those are the two most common phrases, but thalia is really talking a lot. we had our first "parent-teacher conference" last week - weirdest thing ever by the way. anyway, thalia's teacher said that by her age, thalia should know 50 words and speak in 4 word phrases. um, have you met my daughter? i'm pretty sure she could recite the gettysburg address! i asked her the other day if she was a smarty pants and her response was "yep!"
i'm going to try to post pictures tomorrow. you'll see i finally got the ones up from our trip to albuquerque a couple weeks ago. what a great time! happy birthday gigi!! it was so nice to get away, do some hiking, have some good food...of course, i came back to work from hell. but this week appears to be a little bit better, finally. it's really hard having work suck all the life out of you. not so good at all, really. but like i said, this week is better...and for the first time this year, neither chris or i are traveling this month. think about that for a second!
alright, enough rambling from me. enjoy the abq pics, and i'm hoping to have more up by the weekend.
much love and some sleep (stupid stress dreams! plus waking up early to use my free gym pass)
c, c, and t